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May 11

A Lesson of Trust

Look at the birds of the air: They do not sow or reap or gather into barns—and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? — Matt 6:26 BSB

Does this mean that since the birds neither sow nor reap, we should put forth no effort to provide for ourselves? No, because if we did nothing, we would soon starve. God would not feed us the way He feeds the birds. He has given us minds and abilities so we can provide for ourselves. He feeds us not by bringing food to us, but by giving us the ability to sow, reap, and gather. God doesn’t encourage a “trust” that idly waits for provision. Babies, the sick, and those who cannot work may expect to be cared for like the birds, but those who are able will struggle if they try to live the birds’ way.

The lesson from the birds lies elsewhere. If God cares for the birds, how much more will He care for His people? First, people are more valuable than birds. Birds don’t have souls, they don’t bear God’s image, and they don’t have eternal life. If God cares for a soulless bird, how much more will He care for a thinking, eternal, godlike human being?

Second, God is our Father. He is the creator and provider for the birds, but He is not their Father. A father will certainly do more for their children than for their animals. A mother will think more about her baby than her canary. So, we can be confident that our heavenly Father will care for us more than He does for birds. From the birds, we learn to trust God. Every little bird sitting on a branch, singing its sweet song, should remind us to trust in our Father’s care.

Daily Word of God - May 11

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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