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March 31

Healing Sickness

Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. — Matt 4:23 BSB

It’s sometimes said that religion only cares for people’s souls and ignores their physical needs, but this accusation is unfounded. A quick look at the gospels shows that Jesus was deeply moved by people’s physical suffering and often used His power to heal them. Many of His greatest miracles were acts of healing.

Furthermore, the entire system of hospitals, asylums, and homes for the sick, orphaned, aged, and mentally ill is the fruit of Christianity. Wherever acts of mercy are done for the sick and suffering, Jesus is present, extending His sympathy and healing. He cares not only for souls but also for bodies. Any form of suffering—whether physical, mental, or spiritual—moves Him with compassion.

It’s comforting to know that even though we may not expect miraculous healings today, Jesus is still deeply concerned with our physical distresses. He uses these trials for our spiritual growth and is always ready to give us the grace we need to endure them patiently. When the purpose of these afflictions has been fulfilled, He is ready to bring healing. We can always count on His sympathy, love, and help in times of sickness. Jesus is present in every Christian sickroom, offering comfort and peace to those who trust in Him. While He didn’t often attend celebrations, He was always drawn to homes where there was sickness. Pain and suffering bring Him near, and when He comes, He brings blessings.

Daily Word of God - March 31

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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