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March 18
Sowing and Reaping
For in this case the saying ‘One sows and another reaps’ is true. — John 4:37 BSB
Jesus’ words often prove true in a literal sense. Many people sow a field of crops and don’t live to see the harvest. Many plant trees and never taste the fruit. Others come after them and enjoy the benefits of their labor.
This is even more often true in a spiritual sense. Many people work hard for Christ all their lives without seeing the results of their efforts. Later, someone else comes along and reaps the harvest with little effort. A pastor might preach and pray for many years without seeing many conversions. Then, when he leaves or passes away, another pastor arrives, and a revival breaks out. One sows, and another reaps. But who can say that the sower’s work wasn’t just as important as the reaper’s? Without the faithful labor of the first pastor, could the second have seen such a harvest? In heaven, they will both rejoice together. There won’t be any jealousy in heaven over who deserves the honor.
Many mothers teach their children about Christ and pray for their salvation, only to pass away before seeing them come to faith. Later, another person might lead them to Christ. This is often the case for faithful teachers and other Christian workers as well. We don’t need to worry about the harvest. We are called to sow the seeds of the gospel everywhere, and whether we reap the harvest or someone else does, it doesn’t matter. Sower and reaper will rejoice together.