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January 31

Looking unto Jesus

For my eyes have seen Your salvation, — Luke 2:30 BSB

Travelers often return from their journeys full of stories about the amazing things they’ve seen. They speak of the grandeur of the Alps, the wonders of famous cities, the beauty of ancient cathedrals, or the masterpieces of the old artists. And they take great pride in what they’ve experienced.

But a far greater thing is to be able to say, “I have seen Jesus.” The wonders of this world may broaden our minds and add to our knowledge, but seeing Jesus changes everything about us. It transforms our destiny and makes us heirs of heaven. It molds us into the likeness of Christ Himself. Seeing Jesus brings salvation.

Someone once said, “Never miss an opportunity to look at something beautiful, for it will leave a touch of beauty in your soul.” In the same way, we can say, “Never miss an opportunity to gaze upon Jesus, for His glory will imprint itself on your heart.” The apostle Paul tells us that as we behold the glory of Christ in the Scriptures, we are transformed into His image.

There’s a legend that the old monks believed—if they gazed long and intensely at the figure of Christ on the cross, the marks of the nails and the spear would appear on their own bodies. This is a crude representation of a spiritual truth: beholding Christ leaves His marks on our souls. As we look steadily and lovingly upon Him, His beauty shines through us, and the “mark of the Lord Jesus” becomes visible in our lives.

Daily Word of God - January 31

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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