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February 1


After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, — Matt 2:1 BSB

That was the most wonderful birth that ever took place in this world. It’s no surprise there were so many extraordinary events surrounding it—angels came down to announce it and sing their song of joy, and wise men traveled from far away to pay homage. It was the Son of God incarnate who slept His first sleep in the manger at Bethlehem.

This is such a great mystery that we cannot fully comprehend it. Yet we know that the One who became flesh had been with God from all eternity, that He was God, that He created all things, and that in Him was the source of all life and blessedness. A child being born isn’t an unusual thing—it happens with every heartbeat. A child being born in a stable wasn’t remarkable in that country either. But when we remember who it was that became flesh that night, we realize we’re witnessing the most astounding wonder of all time.

We, too, should come with the shepherds and the Magi to pay our homage to this glorious child-King. The Magi traveled hundreds of miles to find Christ. Their journey was difficult, dangerous, and costly. We should consider no effort or sacrifice too great to find Christ. We should be willing to travel thousands of miles, if necessary, to find Him. He is the pearl of great value, and we will be well-rewarded for our efforts, even if it costs us everything—even our lives.

It’s worth noting that those closest to Christ didn’t always see His glory first. He was born among the Jews, but no one from Jerusalem came to worship Him. Will it be the same for us? Will we miss the blessing of seeing the Savior who is so near?

Daily Word of God - February 1

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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