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August 28

Words of Life

“Never has anyone spoken like this man!” the officers answered. — John 7:46 BSB

In all of literature, there are no words like those Christ spoke. Think of the power His words held. One word from Him stilled the raging sea; another opened the eyes of the blind; another turned water into wine; another called a dead man from his grave.

Remember how His words brought comfort to those in sorrow, peace to the troubled, and how they changed the hearts of those who heard them. People left their livelihoods and their sins to follow Him, forsaking all else. Demons trembled and obeyed when He spoke.

These words of Christ still have the same power today. They calm storms, open eyes, drive out evil spirits, and bring life to the dead. They still offer comfort to the sorrowful, hope to the despairing, and forgiveness to the repentant. They still change hearts, turning bitterness into sweetness, and making beauty bloom where there once were only thorns.

If you lean on one of Christ’s words, you’ll find the everlasting arms beneath it. If you are sinking in trials and grab hold of His word, you’ll find the divine hand upholding you. If you’re pursued by spiritual enemies and grasp a word of Christ, it will become a sword that drives them away. If you are weary or sorrowful and rest your head on one of His precious words, you’ll find yourself lying close to your Father’s heart. The richest treasures in the world today are the words of Christ. "Never has anyone spoken like this man."

Daily Word of God - August 28

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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