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April 3
He Could Not be Hid
A few days later Jesus went back to Capernaum. And when the people heard that He was home, — Mark 2:1 BSB
It’s impossible to keep quiet for long when Jesus comes into a house. He can’t be hidden. The neighbors will quickly find out that he’s there. People can’t keep the secret. It shows in their faces. Those who have Christ in their home don’t look like everyone else. There’s a light or joy in them that reveals a joy beyond this world. Even their words betray the secret—they can’t help but talk about their special guest. So, even without trying, the family will let others know that Jesus is there.
Like fragrant flowers that can’t be concealed, there’s a fragrance about Jesus that always reveals his presence. Light can’t be hidden, and the light of Christ shines out through every window and crack of the house where he stays. Love may be invisible, but wherever it is, it produces such noticeable changes that people can’t help but recognize it. Love makes people gentle, kind, thoughtful, and selfless. It fills them with new desires to serve and bless others. And wherever Christ is, love is there too, with all its powerful, transformative effects.
Some people fill their homes with beautiful things—art, sculptures, rare treasures from distant lands, elegant furniture, and fine decorations. But no Christian can bring as much beauty, joy, peace, and comfort into their home as by making Christ an abiding guest.
No matter how quietly Jesus enters, the neighbors will soon know it, and they’ll benefit from it too. From a home where Christ lives, there always flows a sweet influence and a loving, helpful ministry.