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April 2

The Master Touched Him

Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” He said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him. — Luke 5:13 BSB

None of the Jews would have done this. They kept their distance from lepers, fearing defilement. But Jesus wasn’t afraid of becoming unclean. He could have healed the man from a distance—he had done it before. But this man needed the reassurance of a loving touch. When Jesus touched him, it didn’t make him unclean. Instead, the man became clean, as pure as a child.

Some people only want to help others from a distance, through committees or agents. But it’s far better to get close to those we want to help. There’s power in a human touch. A gift to the poor is helpful no matter how it’s given, but if you give it personally, with genuine care and concern, it has far greater value. You give a part of yourself with the gift.

The gospel can reach people from a pulpit, but it’s much more effective when the sinner feels a warm hand of love and hears the message spoken with heartfelt passion.

There’s no danger of becoming defiled by reaching out to the worst of society if you go with the love of God in your heart, eager to help. Don’t stand far away and toss blessings to them as if you’re afraid of being contaminated. Don’t just slip a tract under the door and walk away. Go to the homes of those who seem the most hopeless. Shake their hand—it won’t harm you, and you never know what a touch of kindness can do to a heart that’s been starved of tenderness but is still longing for love. Put your heart into everything you do. You never know how much life and inspiration you might give to those who are weary and broken.

Daily Word of God - April 2

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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