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April 17


Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. — Matt 5:4 BSB

We don’t usually think of those who mourn as blessed, but Jesus offers a special beatitude for those in sorrow. He likely had penitent mourners in mind. There’s nothing more precious to God than tears of repentance—no diamond or pearl shines more brightly in His sight. Jesus Himself said, “There is joy in the presence of the angels over one sinner who repents.” So blessed indeed are those who grieve over their sins with true repentance. A holy light from heaven shines on such mourners, and they are comforted with God’s pardon and peace.

But this beatitude also applies to God’s children who are mourning for any reason. Blessings are often closest to us when we are in affliction. If we don’t receive them, it’s because we won’t accept them. One day, we will see that our greatest blessings came not during our days of joy and gladness, but in our times of trial and sorrow.

Tears are like lenses through which we see more clearly into heaven and glimpse God’s face. Sorrow cleanses our hearts of worldly things and enriches our lives. Our days of pain do far more for us than our days of rejoicing. We grow the most when clouds hang over us because clouds bring rain, and rain refreshes the earth. God’s comfort is so sweet that it’s worth enduring trials just to experience it.

But to receive the blessings our sorrows offer, we must accept our afflictions as coming from God and seek true comfort—not just relief from our pain, but grace to learn from our suffering and gain the fruit of righteousness.

Daily Word of God - April 17

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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