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April 16


Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. — Matt 5:3 BSB

This beatitude isn’t for those who are poor in material wealth because someone can be poor yet still full of pride. Nor is it for those who are mentally poor because ignorance isn’t a blessing. The beatitude is for those who are poor in spirit—those who are humble, aware of their unworthiness. Humility isn’t thinking poorly of yourself or undervaluing your gifts and abilities. We are responsible for recognizing our talents and using them to the fullest. We are also to understand our position and privileges as God’s redeemed children, no longer condemned sinners or servants.

So what is humility? It’s a spirit that bows reverently before God and then uses its finest gifts in service to Christ, even for the lowliest of people.

The Bible speaks highly of humility. When Jesus referred to His own heart, He described it as “meek and lowly.” To be poor in spirit is to be rich toward God, while pride leads to spiritual poverty. Humility opens the gate of prayer, while pride gets no response. The proud Pharisee in his prayer received no blessing, but the humble tax collector went away with heaven’s richest gifts. Pride is like a cold, barren mountain peak, while humility is like a fertile valley where peace dwells. The kingdom of heaven belongs to the humble. They may wear no earthly crowns, but a crown of glory, unseen by the world, rests on their heads.

Daily Word of God - April 16

Public domain content taken from Come Ye Apart by J.R. Miller.

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