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September 29

But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. — 2 Cor 3:16 BSB

The Holy Spirit, as part of his work in preparing us for divine instruction, first convinces us of our ignorance, the veil of unbelief that naturally covers our hearts, and our complete inability to remove it. This darkness, as felt in personal experience, is so deep that it can be “felt,” much like the darkness in Egypt. This ignorance is so profound that it seems all knowledge and the very ability to gain knowledge is utterly lost. The unbelief is so strong and desperate that it appears incurable.

And yet, even in the midst of this thick cloud of ignorance, darkness, and unbelief, rays of light occasionally break through. At the time, they may seem only to highlight the darkness and make it more overwhelming, yet in reality, they are guiding us toward the throne of God and the Lamb. There, Jesus sits enthroned in glory, not only as an interceding High Priest to save and an exalted King to rule but as a most gracious Prophet to teach.

In the soul’s experience, as we feel the thickness and strength of the veil over our hearts, we turn to the Lord with prayer and supplication, asking him to remove it. As he answers this prayer, light shines in his light, his truth drops sweetly into the soul, and his word of grace governs the heart, lips, and life.

Daily Wisdom - September 29

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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