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May 29

that I may see the prosperity of Your chosen ones, and rejoice in the gladness of Your nation, and give glory with Your inheritance. — Ps 106:5 BSB

Have you ever seen the good in God’s chosen people? “How goodly are your tents, O Jacob, and your tabernacles, O Israel!” Have you ever glimpsed the goodness that God has bestowed upon His people and longed to be one of them? David surely had seen this when he wrote these words, but even he needed to see it again. He had lost sight of it; the sweet vision of it had faded, the old veil had returned, and his eyes had grown dim. He needed fresh "eye-salve."

So it is with us. We may have seen, at times, the goodness of God’s chosen ones, and felt our affections drawn toward them and toward God, saying, “Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.” These were the sweet foretastes of heaven. But sin clouds our vision. Guilt, darkness, doubts, and temptations obscure our sight. Yet, we cannot forget the past, those solemn moments when we walked and talked with God, and the sweet feelings His presence kindled. Though we may now be in darkness and deadness, tempted and harassed, we cannot forget that. And having once seen the good of God’s chosen ones, we long to see it again and to taste again that heavenly banquet: “That I may see the good of Your chosen ones.”

Daily Wisdom - May 29

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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