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May 28

Remember me, O LORD, in Your favor to Your people; visit me with Your salvation, — Ps 106:4 BSB

How is a person brought to truly desire to be “visited with” God’s salvation? They must first know something of condemnation. Salvation is for the condemned. “The Son of Man came to seek and save that which was lost,” so salvation is for the lost. A person must be utterly lost before they can truly value God’s salvation. And how is someone lost? By losing all their religion, righteousness, strength, confidence, and hope in themselves, losing everything of the flesh—losing it as God takes it away and strips them bare.

The person who has been brought to a state of complete spiritual bankruptcy, who has nothing, knows nothing, and feels utterly helpless, is the one who cries out day and night, “O visit me with Your salvation!” They long for a visit from God, for God to dwell with them, reveal Himself to them, and make His presence known in their heart. Nothing short of this will satisfy them. They read of God’s dealings with His saints in Scripture, but they long for something for themselves, something that will truly bless and comfort their souls. They need a personal visitation from God, His presence and power, His mercy and love, to visit their soul.

Daily Wisdom - May 28

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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