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May 23

Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts before Him. God is our refuge. Selah — Ps 62:8 BSB

Have there not been times when we were able to pour out our hearts before the throne of grace, telling the Lord what we truly needed, asking Him for the only things that could satisfy our souls, things that only He could provide? There have been such times of access to the God of grace. But afterward, we may have forgotten the things we prayed for. We have been careless with the prayers we laid at His feet, even though we were earnest at the time in seeking certain blessings. We left them with the Lord and forgot them all.

But the Lord doesn’t forget. He treasures them in His heart and memory, and in His own time, He brings them to fulfillment. Before He does so, He often brings us to a place where we once again feel the need for those very blessings. Then we tell Him again, asking in supplication, ashamed that we once asked for these things and then seemed to care so little about receiving them. But in times of trouble, need, and grief, we go back to Him and ask again. And in His own time and way, the Lord brings about the very things we desired, opens doors, lifts us out of trials, removes burdens, makes a way in the deep where no eye but His could see, and no hand but His could open. He leads us through, and then hides all glory from ourselves, making us fall down before His feet and give all glory and honor and power and thanksgiving to God and the Lamb.

Daily Wisdom - May 23

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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