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May 16

Each will be like a shelter from the wind, a refuge from the storm, like streams of water in a dry land, like the shadow of a great rock in an arid land. — Isa 32:2 BSB

Who is this man? Do I even need to ask? There is a response in every heart that fears God: it is the man Christ Jesus—the man who is God’s equal. How blessed it is to have a true understanding of the humanity of Jesus, to see Him not only as God—equal in essence, glory, and power with the Father and the Spirit—but also as man, made like us in every way except sin.

And what a profound comfort there is in Christ's humanity when we see it in union with His divinity! As a man, He suffered, bled, and died. As a man, He stands as a mediator between God and us, with an affectionate, compassionate heart for our struggles. As a man, He fulfilled the law perfectly, endured the sufferings of humanity, and became our Brother in adversity—flesh of our flesh, bone of our bone—yet without sin. Now He is exalted higher than the heavens.

But we cannot see the beauty, grace, and glory of the man Christ Jesus until the Holy Spirit reveals Him to our souls. It is the Spirit who opens our eyes to see the humanity of Jesus, not as mere humanity, but as united with His eternal divinity. Oh, this blessed man! View Him on the cross, bleeding for your sins, and then lift your eyes to see Him now, the same man, at the right hand of God. This was Stephen’s final vision before entering glory: “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56).

Daily Wisdom - May 16

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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