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May 15

you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body. — 1 Cor 6:20 BSB

How deep and terrible must sin be to require such an atonement—the blood of the Son of God Himself—to take it away. How enslaved to sin and Satan, how lost and degraded must humanity be to need such a sacrifice. “You are bought with a price.” Have you ever felt the weight of your bondage to sin, Satan, and the world? Have you groaned under the burden, feeling the iron chains of sin in your soul, trying to break free, but finding the chains only tightening around you?

But have you also experienced freedom from that bondage? Have you felt your heart enlarged, your soul freed from the prison of sin, and the manacles falling from your hands so that you could walk in the liberty of the gospel?

“You are bought with a price.” You were once a slave to sin and Satan, locked in a dark prison of hopelessness. But the light of the gospel entered your dungeon, setting you free, bringing you into the light of God's favor and grace. This is not just the reality of being bought with a price; it is experiencing the blessed results of it.

Daily Wisdom - May 15

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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