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March 2

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. — Eph 1:3 BSB

Oh, if only our faith could embrace even a little of this—just a few drops from the pure fountain of eternal joy in the sweet realization of being blessed, already blessed, fully blessed, unalterably and irreversibly blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ—what strength and comfort it would bring to our often downcast souls! Look at the words; ponder them again and again. Think of each spiritual blessing that you most desire. Is it forgiveness? Is it peace? Is it the love of God poured out in your heart? Is it the spirit of adoption that allows you to cry, "Abba, Father?" Is it communion with God? The enjoyment of His presence and favor? Deliverance from doubts and fears? A deeper reverence for Him in your heart? The subduing of your sins and desires? A godly, holy life and a peaceful, blessed death?

Are not these the spiritual blessings you value more than house, land, family, or any earthly good? Then know this: if you are one of God’s saints and a believer in Christ, you are already blessed with all of these in Him. God doesn’t need to bless you more than He already has, apart from giving you a foretaste of them now and their full enjoyment in the future.

Daily Wisdom - March 2

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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