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March 14
and into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, reserved in heaven for you, — 1 Pet 1:4 BSB
Whatever you may have in this world, whether much or little, you will one day leave behind. And if you have no other inheritance than what this earth offers, where will your portion be in death and for all eternity? But if you are born again into a living hope, even if you do not yet possess the full assurance of faith, you have an inheritance waiting for you that will never fade. We often imagine how happy we would be if we had the wealth or property of others, thinking we would spend it better than they do or do more good with it. But do you think these wealthy men are happy with all their possessions? And do you really believe you would be happier if you had what they have? The truth is, earthly riches cannot bring true happiness. These men have an inner canker that eats away at their joy. Even when free from greater troubles, the satisfaction they seek fades, for possession itself strips away all the bloom, and with possession comes anxiety and care.
But the eternal inheritance that awaits us "does not fade away." The sweetest flowers may wither, becoming unpleasant to the eye and nose, but there is a lasting freshness, a constant greenness, an unending beauty in this eternal inheritance. It never becomes dull or stale but remains ever the same, ever growing in its beauty and blessedness as it is more fully known, believed in, hoped for, and loved.