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March 13

Blessed is the one who does not fall away on account of Me. — Matt 11:6 BSB

What is the desire of your heart toward Jesus? What is the longing of your soul? Do you desire that He would come and make His home in your heart? That He would visit you with the light of His presence? That He would sprinkle His blood on your conscience? That He would be near, dear, and precious to you? Do you value one word from His lips more than a thousand worlds? A smile from His face more than thousands of gold and silver? If so, you are blessed. You are not stumbling in the dark mountains of error, nor are you stumbling over the perfections of the Son of God, nor offended by a free gospel and unconditional salvation.

No, the Lord in mercy has slain your prejudices, subdued your enmity, and brought you to receive the gospel like a little child. But perhaps you say, "I believe all this, yet I have doubts and fears about whether the Lord has begun His work in me, whether I belong to His family. I cannot enjoy the power of the truth as much as I desire." Yet does not the Lord say, “Blessed is the one who is not offended because of me”? You are not offended by Jesus, nor are you stumbling over Him. If you can receive Him as the Christ of God, look to Him, believe in Him, and at times feel Him precious to your soul, then you come under the blessing that makes rich and adds no sorrow with it.

Daily Wisdom - March 13

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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