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January 20
So let us know—let us press on to know the LORD. As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the earth. — Hos 6:3 BSB
“To know the Lord” means to know, by experience and spiritually, the power of Jesus’ blood and righteousness. It means to know our eternal union with Him, to be led by the Spirit into communion with Him, so that we may speak with Him as a man speaks with his friend. To know Him is to have the secrets of His heart revealed to us, to enter by faith into the height, depth, breadth, and length of the love of Christ, which surpasses knowledge. It is to drink of His Spirit and have His image impressed upon our souls by the Holy Spirit. To know Him is to have Him enter our hearts from His glorious sanctuary, filling our souls with His presence and love. It is to have Him formed within us as the hope of glory, making our bodies His temple, dwelling in us, breathing His life into us, speaking in us, and moving every affection of our hearts and every faculty of our souls. This is the essence of true godliness.
“To know the Lord” also includes knowing Jehovah in the unity of His essence and the trinity of His persons. Therefore, to know Jehovah the Father in His eternal love, Jehovah the Son in His redeeming blood, and Jehovah the Spirit in His divine operations and teaching is a foretaste of heaven on earth. To know and see God as He truly is will be the ultimate bliss in eternity.