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April 11

but test all things. Hold fast to what is good. — 1 Thess 5:21 BSB

There are two things every child of God is especially called to hold fast: first, the beginning of God's work upon their soul; and second, their deliverance. Any manifestation you have had of the Lord Jesus Christ, any application of His atoning blood, any revelation of His glorious Person, or shedding abroad of His love—hold fast to it, for it is good. Likewise, hold fast to any promise that has ever been applied to your heart, any answer to prayer you have received, any blessing felt within by divine power. All these things are good. They come from a good God, work in a good way, lead to a good end, will make for a good deathbed, and will bring you to a most blessed eternity.

Therefore, “hold fast that which is good.” Everything that is commended to your conscience as good: every godly man, every good minister, every child of God with whom you feel fellowship or communion; every good precept, word, or deed—whatever is fully commended to your conscience as spiritual and divine—hold fast to that, and you will find the benefit of it. Discard and reject everything that is bad, unbecoming, inconsistent, ungodly, erroneous, or heretical. Show no mercy to those things—hew them down in your heart, as Samuel hewed down Agag before the Lord in Gilgal.

Daily Wisdom - April 11

Public domain content taken from Devotional Writings by J.C. Philpot.

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