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October 4

Love And Liberty

For none of us lives to himself alone, and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. — Rom 14:7-8 BSB

The key to this remarkable chapter, so full of sound judgment and sanctified common sense, lies in the Apostle’s repeated references to the Lord, which appear some ten times in fourteen verses. The fact that Jesus is Lord both of the living and those who have died, and now live on the other side of death, provides the solution to the question of what a Christian should do or refrain from doing. Let each of us stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, or at least before the mirror of that tribunal reflected in the calm depths of conscience, and we will find an unfailing guide for our actions.

The controversy in Rome concerned the observance of the seventh or first day of the week as the Christian Sabbath, and the principle that should direct the use of food—whether to follow Leviticus or general practice. The Apostle asserts that these are not matters that determine our personal salvation or acceptance with God. Instead, they are matters for each individual Christian to resolve on their own. There are certain questions as clear as day or as dark as night, where no debate is needed; but for other matters, each person must apply general principles to navigate the complexities.

What would Jesus Christ, my Lord and Master, have me do? I am His servant, and He will reveal His will through the teaching of His Spirit in my heart. Whether I act or refrain, it must be done for Him, and in both my liberty and abstinence, I must give thanks to Him.

What is best for others? I influence some people, perhaps more than I realize. I must take care not to become a stumbling block to others. Even if certain things are innocent for me, if they might harm, directly or indirectly, someone for whom Christ died, it is better for me to abstain.

What is best for myself? I pray that God will not lead me into temptation, but I must also avoid putting myself in its path. I must set aside both sins and distractions to follow Christ in His battle against evil.


O Lord and Master, may we be faithful to You in the little things, always following the inner light until it leads us into the perfect day. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - October 4

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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