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October 3
The Wonder Of God's Love
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. — John 3:16 BSB
As children, we read “Alice in Wonderland,” but at the end of life, we will still find ourselves in a wonderland! There may be more truth than we realize in calling old age a second childhood, because a child’s heart always lives in a world of mystery, questions, and wonder.
There is much to wonder at in this verse! First, that God loved and still loves the world. It’s no surprise that He made the world—it is so beautiful, except where humans have spoiled it. Or that He names the stars, calling them out by number. Our planet is small amid the vastness of the universe, yet it is surrounded by the love of God!
The second wonder is that God’s only Son came to dwell among us. Isn’t it amazing that the Son of God passed by all other worlds and chose this one? That this earth was blessed by His footsteps, and that He even took on its dust, forever merging it with His Divine Nature? It is so amazing that we might think our world must be the center of the universe—its nursery, school, and training ground.
The third wonder is that eternal life is available to whoever believes. The old translation says “everlasting life,” but the newer version speaks of “eternal life.” God offers not just endless time but a quality of life that is everlasting. Time, as we know it, will one day end, but eternal life is an ever-present reality of love, life, and light, lived in fellowship with God. And this gift is for everyone! We can each insert our name into the promise and say, “That I may have eternal life.” It is so incredible that no human imagination could have invented it—it bears the mark of God Himself, who made us in His image to share in His divine nature (Genesis 1:26, 2 Peter 1:4).
The world is dear to You, O Heavenly Father. You sent Your only Son to save it, and Your Spirit to comfort and renew it. May Your Spirit bring order and peace to this chaotic world, and may love reign among all people. Amen.