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November 1

Walking In The Spirit

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. — Gal 5:16 BSB

When we walk in the Spirit, we are guided by Him. In the early stages of life, we tend to be impulsive and act without thinking, like Moses when he struck down the Egyptian. But as we grow in our Christian journey, we learn to wait for the Spirit’s guidance. He impresses His will upon us, leading us to work out His desires in our character and actions. We don't rush ahead, but follow behind, being led by the Spirit.

A person who walks in the Spirit has no desire to indulge in the desires of the flesh. The temptation to satisfy natural desires may be present, even crossing our minds, but we don't give in to it. While we can't stop the desire from arising, we can certainly choose not to act on it.

When we walk in the Spirit, He produces the fruit of a holy character in us. There’s a striking difference between the selfish works of the flesh and the natural fruit that the Spirit brings forth. The works of the flesh involve effort, noise, and striving—like the loud clanging of machinery in a factory. But fruit is produced quietly and naturally, as the earth brings forth crops in stillness and peace. The fruit of a long summer day is almost imperceptible, yet the coming of autumn's harvest is inevitable. Likewise, the soul that walks daily in the Spirit may not have dramatic experiences or monumental changes to note, but those who live close to such a person will witness the steady growth of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.


Gracious Lord, may Your Holy Spirit keep me walking in the light of Your presence. Fill my heart with the awareness of Your nearness and love. Guide my steps according to Your will, and walk with me, that I may do what pleases You. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - November 1

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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