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May 4

God's Government

So Jesus told them, “When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. — Luke 11:2 BSB

In one of the profound passages found in Paul’s letters, he tells us that the time is coming when the Son will hand over the Kingdom to God the Father, after He has abolished all rule, authority, and power. From this, we can understand that the Kingdom was originally the Father’s, but because of humanity’s sin and fall, it became estranged from His control.

Jesus came to earth, took on human form, and endured agony, shed His blood, and shed tears to regain the Kingdom. Though it is not fully His yet, it is being won. So when we pray, “Father, Your Kingdom come,” we are asking for the final victory of Jesus to come quickly. We are asking that He would overcome all obstacles and enemies, that truth would reign in government, art, and science, that business would be free from dishonesty and fraud, that tyranny would be defeated, and corruption exposed. We pray that He would send His angels to gather everything from His Kingdom that causes sin, and those who do wrong, ultimately defeating the last enemy, death, and ushering in the golden age when everyone will know and love the Father and become His obedient children.

There are many ways to explain the Kingdom of Heaven, but perhaps one simple way to interpret it is as the Divine Kingship. When we truly understand this, it becomes the central focus of our lives. It is the key that unlocks every door. Just to believe, deep in your soul, that the Father of Jesus—our Father—is King. That the God who notices the fall of a little bird from its nest, and who is portrayed in the parables of the lost sheep and the prodigal son, is King of the world, its forces, and everything in human life. To know and believe this truth is to possess something more valuable than anything else.

Right now, will you place yourself under the rule of this King? Let Him rule your heart, so that you will only love what is pure and holy. Let Him rule your mind, so that no unholy thought takes root in you. Let Him rule the books you read, the friendships you form, the way you conduct your business, how you invest your money, and how you spend your leisure time. Everything must be under His rule, because He will not be King at all unless He is King over all.


Hasten, O God, the coming of Your Kingdom and the completion of Your redeeming work. May the Kingdom of Christ come in us and through us; may His voice speak through our lips; His power work through our touch; and His love beat in our hearts. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - May 4

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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