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May 3

Honouring God

So Jesus told them, “When you pray, say: ‘Father, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. — Luke 11:2 BSB

God’s name is a reflection of His nature—His attributes, the qualities that define who He is. When we pray for His name to be hallowed, we are asking that everything which obscures His nature be cleared away, like mist before the rising sun. We give thanks for everything we know of God through nature, through the prophets, through His Word, and through the Holy Spirit who reveals Him. But there is still so much about God that we don’t know, and there are so many people who know even less than we do. Through ignorance and superstition, people have misunderstood and distorted God’s character. That’s why we pray that His name will be honored and understood, both in this world and beyond.

When we pray, “Hallowed be your name,” we remind ourselves of God’s greatness and glory. Before we bring our own needs to God, we should pause. Set aside all your personal concerns for a moment, and approach God with the desire that His name be honored above all. Put His interests first and enthrone Him in your thoughts and prayers.

In a world that did not know or honor God’s name, Jesus dedicated Himself to revealing the depth and beauty of who God is. Every day, let us seek to know God’s name more fully and to help others know it as well. So many people turn away from God because they don’t truly understand Him. They have a distorted view of God, often based on the flawed lives and words of religious people. If they really knew God, they would be overwhelmed by the love He has for them.

It is said that the passion of French soldiers for Napoleon was so strong that, even when they were mortally wounded, they would raise themselves up as he rode by and cry out, “Long live the Emperor!” When we are wholly devoted to bringing glory to God’s name, we will find peace in our hearts and become instruments of His goodwill to others, as doers of His will.


Heavenly Father, please reveal to me the sweet mystery and beauty of Your name—Abba, Father. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - May 3

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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