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May 28
Night And Morning!
For His anger is fleeting, but His favor lasts a lifetime. Weeping may stay the night, but joy comes in the morning. — Ps 30:5 BSB
The Night of Doubt—the Morning of Faith. It is a significant moment in the history of the human spirit when we awaken to the realization that the Almighty is our All-Loving Father. The righteousness of God no longer causes anxiety or fear, but brings assured hope. We understand that God takes no pleasure in the death of a sinner, but rather that he turns from his wickedness and lives. What a joyful moment it must have been for Thomas when, after a week of darkness and doubt, he stood face to face with Jesus again and saw His hands reaching out in sympathy. Dare to believe that the Love which died for you is dealing with all the mysteries, misfits, and dark problems of your life. Weeping may endure for the night when you are trapped in your own thoughts, but joy will come in the morning when you open your heart to Christ.
The Night of Perplexity—the Morning of Vision. We cannot fully explain all of God’s ways or the mysteries of His divine nature. Clouds and darkness surround Him, though justice and righteousness form the foundation of His throne. Yet, from time to time, we catch a glimpse of His purpose, achievement, and ultimate plan. When we do, our hearts fill with joy, and our mouths overflow with laughter and singing! People may call us dreamers, but we know they are the ones who are blind. Sooner or later, Christ will come! The power of Satan will be broken, and his reign will end. The things that prophets and kings longed for but never saw will be realized. The children of light will lift up their heads because their redemption has come. Sorrow and sighing will flee, and in that bright morning, there will be shouts of joy!
The Night of Bereavement—the Morning of Reunion. Their time with us seemed far too short. We had only begun to discover the sweetness and beauty they brought into our lives. We never imagined that we would only get a taste of the happiness they gave us before they were called away. But the morning of joy is coming when we will see their radiant faces again, welcoming us on the other side. In that morning, joy will be complete, never to diminish.
Blessed Christ, the storm is fierce, and the night is dark. Come to me, I pray. In Your presence, there is fullness of joy. Amen.