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May 27
God's Preparations
From ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides You, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. — Isa 64:4 BSB
This chapter is like a treasure chest filled with precious jewels. Let’s examine a few! No wonder St. Paul loved the fourth verse, which he quotes in 1 Corinthians 2:9: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him.” Isaiah’s words tell us that God works for those who wait for Him. To Paul, this meant that those who wait for God must also love Him. God has a prepared plan for us, and we need only to trust Him and move forward in faith, knowing that the path is already prepared for us. People of the world may not understand what God will do for His own, but those who love God are not afraid of the obstacles that block their way—because they know God will make the mountains fall before them and reveal the path.
Often, as we walk the path of service, rejoicing in God’s love and doing our best to live righteously, we meet God along the way, just as a father meets his children when they run out to greet him as he returns home. In the difficult moments we dread—whether an operation, a painful meeting, or a time of loss—we will see a light approaching us, growing brighter. It is the light of God’s presence. “You meet those who joyfully work righteousness” (Isaiah 64:5).
In such moments of God’s lovingkindness, we become most aware of our sins. All our good deeds, which seemed fine in the daylight, appear as filthy rags in His sight, and we realize how fleeting our best intentions can be. “We all fade like a leaf.”
Perhaps we feel most ashamed of our failure in prayer. We do not stir ourselves up to lay hold of God.
Here, we must be careful when speaking to others about the deep experiences of the soul, where God meets us and renews us. We should not lead others onto a path they may not be ready for. Every soul has its own secret with the Lord. We must live out of what we have personally received. St. Bernard’s motto was, “My secret to myself.”
There is a secret place of rest, God's saints alone may know; You shall not find it east nor west, Though seeking to and fro; A cell where Jesus is the door, His love the only key; Who enter will go out no more, But there with Jesus be.