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January 6
Christ Our Teacher
He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs You are doing if God were not with him.” — John 3:2 BSB
There was no doubt that Christ was a Teacher sent from God!
Some teachers clearly come from man. They speak only of earthly matters, filling their speech with quotes from others. They often imitate the voice, manner, and style of the influential teachers who trained them. But the words of Jesus had a freshness, an undeniable truth, a depth, and an authority that could only come from God. Jesus addressed Nicodemus as "the teacher of Israel" (John 3:10), yet Jesus' teaching was unique.
He taught with authority (Matt 7:29), a fact the people recognized. He didn’t need to quote Gamaliel or Hillel because the truth in His words resonated with their consciences. He spoke with tenderness and grace (Luke 4:22). His words cut like a sharp sword to those who opposed Him, but for sinners, the weary, and the burdened, His words were filled with grace. He used everyday illustrations (Mark 4:34), drawing from all corners of life—from the sky and earth, from birds and lightning, from household candles to temple lamps, from bread dough to the ripening fields. His speech was vibrant and full of light, offering windows through which deeper truths could shine. No wonder the people flocked to Him and hung on His every word!
But we must come to Jesus as our Savior. Before we can fully understand His teaching, we need to be converted and become like little children. He says to us, as He did to Nicodemus, “You must be born again.” To simply revere Him as a great teacher is not enough. We must fall at His feet, crying out, “Have mercy on me,” as we acknowledge our own sinfulness before Him.
Jesus’ teaching followed a progression. He began by speaking about earthly matters, gradually leading His disciples to grasp heavenly truths. He gave spiritual milk to new believers but provided deeper and more challenging truths to those ready for them. Notice how differently He spoke to the woman at the well and to His disciples in the upper room.
Give us the grace to perceive You, Lord, to hear Your voice, and to receive the teachings that flow from Your heart. Amen.