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January 5

Christ Our Light

Once again, Jesus spoke to the people and said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” — John 8:12 BSB

It was during the Feast of Tabernacles that Jesus spoke the words in this passage. It's believed that they were lighting the two large candelabras that symbolized the fire-cloud which had led Israel through the wilderness. Jesus used this image to make a point: what the fiery pillar was to Israel, He is to His Church.

For Israel, the wilderness was a vast, trackless land. The people depended entirely on the cloud to guide them, to show them where to go and when to rest. When the cloud rose from the Tabernacle, the people had to pack up and follow, no matter how comfortable their camp was or how challenging the path ahead seemed. They stopped wherever the cloud stopped, even if the place was uninviting, and they stayed as long as the cloud rested there. If they lingered after the cloud moved on, they risked being lost in the desert and dying there. Only where the cloud rested did they find manna, water, and God's protection.

There are times of rest in our lives. God graciously provides us with green pastures and still waters, calling us to lie down and rest. But sometimes we resist this rest, rushing around and becoming frustrated when we can't move forward. When the cloud stops, stay where you are. When you're unsure of what to do next, remain still until God gives clear direction.

There are also times for action. When the trumpet sounds, we must act without delay. If we repeatedly ignore the alarm, we become so used to it that we stop hearing it. But if we make it a habit to respond immediately, we will develop a keener sense of hearing. The peace and effectiveness of our lives will depend on how fully we rely on Jesus for all our needs in this journey of life. In fact, just as the light in a train comes on before entering a dark tunnel and stays on after leaving it, so the presence of Christ will precede and follow us in times of special need. "I will make darkness light before them and crooked things straight" (Isa 42:16).


Send out Your light and Your truth, Lord, and let them lead me, bringing me finally to my Father’s house in peace. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - January 5

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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