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January 30

Descending And Ascending

He who descended is the very One who ascended above all the heavens, in order to fill all things. — Eph 4:10 BSB

What an amazing verse! Why did our Lord descend? In the Council-Chamber of Eternity, when the creation and fall of man were foreseen, it was decided that He would deliver humanity. But how could He accomplish this unless He experienced the conditions of human life Himself? Mere power, even omnipotence, would not have been enough. Even perfect love might have lacked absolute sympathy without experiencing life as we do. “Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity, so that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest” (Hebrews 2:14-17).

How low did He descend? He bowed the heavens and came down, darkness under His feet. He came down to the Virgin Mother and the manger bed; down to Joseph’s home in despised Nazareth and the carpenter’s shop; down to hunger, thirst, agony, and bloody sweat; to the Cross and Passion; to death and burial in a borrowed tomb. He even descended to the shadowy world of Hades, to the spirits in prison—and if there be any lower depths, He went there too!

But He didn’t remain there. He ascended, rising from the depths with the keys of Death and Hades in His hand. He ascended on high, leading captives in His train. As He rose, He claimed each realm He passed through, expanding His reign. This same Jesus who descended is now ascended, unchanged in nature, that He may fill all hearts, lives, and homes with the grace and love He showed during His earthly ministry. Recently, as I reflected on this, I realized, “Jesus Christ is literally in this room.” Though He is at the right hand of God, it is so that He can more easily fill my heart and my life. He is the same as when Martha and Mary welcomed Him to their home in Bethany. I will read the Gospels again, not just as a record of the past, but as a mirror of the living present (Hebrews 13:8).

If anyone reading this is lonely, poor, sick, or in pain, they can find comfort here. Read the Gospels as the living diary of the risen Savior! He who descended is the same One who ascended, and He fills the lowest depths of human need. Though He is at the right hand of the Majesty on high, He is the same loving, tender Savior who embraced the children and wept at His friend’s grave.


I thank You, O Son of God, that I don’t need to ascend to heaven to bring You down or go into the grave to raise You up. You are here with me, right now. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - January 30

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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