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February 5

God's Guiding Hand In Our Lives

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. — Ps 23:1 BSB

When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. — John 10:4 BSB

Do you need guidance on your path? Look to Jesus. Though sometimes He is partially veiled in the mist, you can always discern His form. If you lose sight of Him, stand still until He comes to find you and re-establish the connection. Do not depend on fleeting impressions, which rise and fall like eddies in a stream. Do not look for guidance from others, who may offer conflicting advice. Instead, look away to Christ. Cast all responsibility on Him to show you the way. Tell Him you will not move until He makes your path clear, and trust that He will lift you up and carry you where you need to be. Do not be anxious. Leave the control of your life in His hands and let Him execute His plan.

Sometimes He leads us to rest in green pastures and beside still waters. We are left to live through ordinary moments, content with our small place, while we gather spiritual strength for future service. At other times, He leads us up into the hills, along sunlit paths, with steep cliffs above and dark streams below. This too is good. We cannot always lie in the pastures or walk beside the calm waters. The climb brings far-reaching views and refreshing air.

Later, in the cool of the day, the Shepherd may lead us back into the valleys, through dark woods where danger lurks. But we know He carries a rod to fend off anything that may attack and a staff to pull us out of danger. He will not lead us into any place He has not already explored and conquered. Darkness, sorrow, and even death do not mean we have missed His guidance, but that He trusts us to walk by faith in Him.


Lord, show us where You are leading today, that we may follow in Your steps. We do not ask You to come our way, but to teach us Yours. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - February 5

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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