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February 4

Spring Up, O Well!

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let the one who hears say, “Come!” And let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the water of life drink freely. — Rev 22:17 BSB

True religion is the union of the Spirit of God with the human spirit, and this is achieved through Jesus Christ. “He that is joined to the Lord is one spirit.” Jesus is the mediator between God and humanity. He reveals the Father, unites us with Him, and He comes with the Father to make His home with us (John 14:21-23).

Continuing from yesterday’s thought, it is through this union that our spiritual life becomes a spring of living water. The woman at the well spoke of “the well,” but Jesus spoke of “the spring in the well.” She spoke of the labor of drawing water; He spoke of water that rises up. For too many people, their religious life is not spontaneous but dependent on external sources. They rely on religious services, stirring sermons, or books to stimulate their faith. While these things are helpful, we must not rely on them alone. Learn to be still before God until His love wells up from within.

Anything that blocks the flow of this living water must be removed. A curious event once happened at a training college. The house was full of students when suddenly the water supply failed. After much searching, a plumber found the problem—a large toad had blocked the main pipe. It had entered as a tiny tadpole and grown until it completely blocked the water supply.

This can happen in our lives too. Hidden sin can grow, unchecked, until it chokes the flow of God’s love into our hearts. Jesus knew that the woman at the well had unconfessed sin blocking her reception of the living water. In mercy, He revealed her sin, and once the obstacle was removed, the living water flowed freely. She became a disciple, leaving behind her water pot and spreading the news of the Messiah to the whole town. Jesus knew then that the harvest had come!


O Savior of all, I am but simple clay, yet cleanse and purify me so that I may be filled with Your heavenly treasure. Dip me deep into the water of life, and let me refresh the parched and weary hearts of others. Amen.

Our Daily Walk - February 4

Public domain content taken from Our Daily Walk by F.B. Meyer.

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