April 29

Today’s Verse

Psalm 71:14

But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. (KJV)

But I will always hope and will praise You more and more. (BSB)

Today’s Verse

Psalm 71:14

But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more. (KJV)

But I will always hope and will praise You more and more. (BSB)

But I will always hope, and will add to all of your praise. (WEB)

As for me, I will wait continually, and will continue to praise you. (NET)

KJV - King James Version, BSB - Berean Study Bible, WEB - World English Bible, NET - New English Translation

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Today’s Quote

Christ at the helm is our assurance; no wave will ever sink the ship of our salvation.

— Charles Spurgeon


Spurgeon’s Daily Help

Don’t be afraid—Christ is your strength and righteousness. When a wave crashes against the side of a ship, it doesn’t harm the ship; it just drives the wedges in tighter. The Master is at the helm—doesn’t that comfort your heart? The ship has floated over so many waves—doesn’t that boost your confidence?


It would have to be a mighty wave to sink it now, and no such wave will ever come.

Christ will present the perfect number of all His people to the Father on the last day; not one will be lost. The ark of our salvation will bring all its living cargo into the haven of everlasting rest.

Public domain content from Daily Help by Charles Spurgeon.


The Spurgeon Birthday Book

April 29

When sin conquered the realm of humanity, it silenced all the minstrels except those from the race of hope. Even in all its sorrows and sins, humanity still sings of hope. For believers in Jesus, there is a royal line of singers, for we have a hope of


glory—a living hope, a hope eternal and divine. Because our hope endures, our praise continues—"I will hope continually and will yet praise You more and more."

Public domain content from The Spurgeon Birthday Book by Charles Spurgeon


Spurgeon’s Quote

Hope eternal ensures our praise eternal.

— Charles Spurgeon


Capernaum, Israel

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