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May 21

The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him; and the Lord shall cover him all the day long. — Deut 33:12

Whate’er events betide,
Thy will they all perform;
Safe in Thy breast my head I hide,
Nor fear the coming storm.
—H. F. LYTE.

I have seemed to see a need of everything God gives me, and want nothing that He denies me. There is no dispensation, though afflictive, but either in it, or after it, I find that I could not be without it. Whether it be taken from or not given me, sooner or later God quiets me in Himself without it. I cast all my concerns on the Lord, and live securely on the care and wisdom of my heavenly Father. My ways, you know, are, in a sense, hedged up with thorns, and grow darker and darker daily; but yet I distrust not my good God in the least, and live more quietly in the absence of all by faith, than I should do, I am persuaded, if I possessed them. —JOSEPH ELIOT, 1664.

Daily Strength for Daily Needs - May 21

Public domain content taken from Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary Wilder Tileston.

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