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May 20

To be spiritually minded is life and peace. — Rom 8:6

Stilled now be every anxious care;
See God’s great goodness everywhere;
Leave all to Him in perfect rest:
He will do all things for the best.

We should all endeavor and labor for a calmer spirit, that we may the better serve God in praying to Him and praising Him; and serve one another in love, that we may be fitted to do and receive good; that we may make our passage to heaven more easy and cheerful, without drooping and hanging the wing. So much as we are quiet and cheerful upon good ground, so much we live, and are, as it were, in heaven.

Possess yourself as much as you possibly can in peace; not by any effort, but by letting all things fall to the ground which trouble or excite you. This is no work, but is, as it were, a setting down a fluid to settle that has become turbid through agitation.

Daily Strength for Daily Needs - May 20

Public domain content taken from Daily Strength for Daily Needs by Mary Wilder Tileston.

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