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September 3

As they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and brake it, and gave to them. — Mark 14:22

The last day of our Lord’s life on the earth was full of sacred memories.

In the evening was the Last Supper. Jesus craved to be remembered. He was human, and none of us want to be forgotten. We desire especially to live in the hearts of those we love.

Jesus gave the Holy Supper to be kept always, as a feast, in memory of Him.

If we always remember Christ, it will keep us faithful to Him. He wants us to be true and loyal in the midst of our week day cares and temptations as we are when sitting at His table. Remembering Christ will also transform us and make us like Him.

Our thoughts make us. They are the builders of our character. If they are white and pure, they will build a temple of marble in us. If they are spotted and stained, they will make our lives spotted and stained.

If we always remember Christ, we will grow up into the beauty of Christ. That is what the Lord’s Supper is meant to help us to do.

Mornings With God - September 3

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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