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October 15

Be ye also patient. — Jas 5:8

The lesson of patience is not easy to learn, yet it is important that we should learn it.

Impatience is the secret of many sad failures. Impatience is letting go when only by holding on can we succeed.

A man spent a fortune in drilling for oil. At last he got discouraged and sold his well for a trifle. The new owner started the drill, and in two hours found a great flow of oil. If the first man’s patience had held out those two hours, he would have found success.

Many people miss answers to their prayers by giving up a little too soon. Our lesson teaches us to be patient in waiting for blessing in our work.

The farmer sows his seed and waits for the harvest to come. Months pass, but his confidence in the laws of nature makes him patient, and at last he reaps his reward.

We have the promise of God for blessing upon those who will be faithful. We should never doubt, whatever the delays may be. Only those who are patient can get the blessing.

Mornings With God - October 15

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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