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November 8

From infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. — 2 Tim 3:15 BSB

Being raised with the Scriptures is one of the greatest blessings a person can have. No other book can shape a life the way the Bible does. It provides wisdom that leads to salvation by bringing us into fellowship with Jesus Christ.

God’s Word has a power that no other book possesses. It teaches us about holy things and eternal life. It convicts us of sin and shows us God’s judgment. It corrects our mistakes, leads us away from wrongdoing, and straightens what is crooked in our lives. It instructs us in righteousness, guiding us in how to live and what kind of character to develop. A life shaped by the Scriptures becomes complete, equipped for every good work that God calls us to do.

Mornings With God - November 8

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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