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November 22
So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still in the distance, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. — Luke 15:20 BSB
It seems strange that a son would leave a good home of love and happiness for a far-off country, full of disappointment, debasement, and degradation. But this is the story of human sin. What concerns us most, however, is the return of the lost son and the way his father received him. In his misery, a vision of the old home came to him, drawing him back. He realized his folly, had the courage to admit his mistakes, and returned home.
The boy's reception is a picture of how God welcomes those who return from their sinful wanderings. The father was watching and saw his son from afar, running to meet him. God is always watching for the first sign of repentance and hastens to welcome us back. This parable assures us that no one need ever be afraid to return to God, no matter how far they have strayed.