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November 11

After this, the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of Him to every town and place He was about to visit. — Luke 10:1 BSB

Christ has a great mission in hand—to spread the gospel to every home in the world. He needs human messengers for this work. While angels would certainly be willing to go, they wouldn’t be suitable. Only those who have experienced Christ’s saving grace can truly tell others about Him. Christ calls us to go, and we should respond eagerly, saying, “Here am I,” whenever we hear His call.

To go in Christ’s name means to represent Him. We need to have the same love in our hearts that Jesus had as He went among the people. When Christ sends us, He will provide the care and strength we need to deliver His message. If we don’t go where Christ calls us, people will miss the blessing they might have received. A boy once said, “If God really loves me, why doesn’t He tell someone to give me shoes or coal to keep warm?” He answered his own question, “I guess He does tell someone, but they forget.” Let us be quick to respond to our Master’s call, “Lest we forget!”

Mornings With God - November 11

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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