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May 16

But now the LORD my God has given me rest on every side, and there is no adversary or crisis. — 1 Kgs 5:4 BSB

This period of peace in Solomon’s reign was part of the preparation for building the temple. Times of quiet in our lives shouldn’t be times of idleness. There’s always other work to do. These are our seasons for “temple-building.”

True living isn’t all about action—fighting, working, and making money.

Building character is the most important work of life, and this happens best in times of quiet. We shouldn’t wait until we’re forced into stillness; we should carve out times of quiet even in our busiest days. We need a calm spirit if we want to build up the inner temple of our lives. Every day should have its “silent times.”

Daniel’s noble character was the result of his commitment to prayer, even while he carried much of the burden of the Babylonian kingdom. Not even the threat of the lions’ den could keep him from his devotions.

There is no other secret to living a true and noble life amid the world’s strife. We must remain calm within so we can build the temple of God in our hearts.

Mornings With God - May 16

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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