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May 15

And God gave Solomon wisdom, exceedingly deep insight, and understanding beyond measure, like the sand on the seashore. — 1 Kgs 4:29 BSB

We must first recognize that it was God who gave Solomon the gifts that made him such a successful king. His wisdom and understanding were not just the result of his own study, thought, and experience.

Yes, people gain wisdom through experience, and study helps us develop knowledge and mental power. But we must remember that all the gifts of our mind and heart have been given to us by God.

We should always see God as the true owner of our lives, with all their abilities and potential. This understanding should fill us with gratitude toward God and motivate us to use all our talents in His service.

As long as Solomon did this, he was blessed. But when luxury led his heart away from God, he began to fall. Few things are worse than using great gifts for the wrong purposes.

Mornings With God - May 15

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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