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March 20

Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings; they fly away as an eagle toward heaven. — Prov 23:5

People ofttimes think that gold, silver, houses, lands, and stocks are the real treasures. So they toil for these things and gather them into their possession, and pile up what they suppose to be wealth. Thus they live like Nabobs in their fine houses, and call themselves millionaires.

But one day their supposed riches take to themselves wings and fly away like eagles toward heaven. Or they may keep their wealth, perchance, and die at last in the midst of it, and have a great funeral; but then they find that they cannot carry a penny of it with them.

“How much did he leave?” was asked about a rich man who had died. “He left all,” was the answer. If men only knew that there are other things far more worth setting eyes and heart upon – things which will never fly away – they would pass by these glittering unrealities to lay hold of the true riches.

We can lay up money in heaven only by using it for God.

Mornings With God - March 20

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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