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December 13
Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. — Matt 4:1 BSB
This period of temptation came right after Jesus’ anointing for ministry. He had received the Holy Spirit, and the Father’s voice had proclaimed Him as the Messiah. An old writer said that as long as Jesus was working quietly in His Father’s carpenter shop, the devil left Him alone. But the moment He stepped into the public eye to begin His mission, Satan attacked.
Temptation was a vital part of Jesus’ preparation for ministry. He couldn’t be our Redeemer without first facing and overcoming the tempter. Because He was victorious in His own battles with Satan, He can now deliver us from the enemy’s power. Jesus also endured temptation so He could personally understand the power of temptation and sympathize with us in our struggles. His victory assures us that we, too, can overcome with His help.