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August 31

My manner of life from my youth... know all the Jews. — Acts 26:4

It is a great thing when a man can confidently appeal to his own past. Paul could challenge his enemies to find anything against him from his youth up. The only way we can be ready to make such appeal is to watch all our years, from the youngest.

It is a great thing when a man has a religion about which he is sure. Too many people’s religion is vague. Paul knew Him whom he trusted. He knew that He was the Messiah, the Saviour, and told Agrippa why he knew it, and why he had given his life to witnessing for Christ to all men.

Some people talk in these days as if the thought of the raising of the dead is incredible. Paul did not think it an incredible belief. God has all power – can He not bring up from death those who have died? If He can create from nothing, can He not bring back the dead?

Jesus gave Paul no time for grief over his terrible mistake. “Arise, and stand upon thy feet!” He was to show his penitence not in tears, but by service.

Mornings With God - August 31

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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