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August 30

It was determined that we should sail into Italy. — Acts 27:1

God has many ways of getting His servants to their work. Now, missionaries are usually sent by mission boards. Paul went to his field at the cost of Rome.

We may safely leave ourselves in God’s hands and let Him both give us our work and guide us to it. Though a landsman, and also a prisoner, Paul seems to have known more about what it was safe to do and what unsafe than any other man on the ship.

It must have been through divine enlightening that he admonished the centurion of the danger of the voyage, urging him not to leave Crete.

Paul had good reason for exhorting the ship’s company to be of good cheer.

On that storm–tossed vessel he was in communication with Heaven. An angel of God had assured him that night that he must stand before Caesar. Therefore he could not perish in the sea. Moreover, in answer to his prayers, all his companions would be spared, too.

God’s hand rules the storms, and we may always trust in His love and care.

Mornings With God - August 30

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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