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August 28

The Son of Man is Lord also of the Sabbath. — Mark 2:28

Jesus remembered the Sabbath day, and kept it holy.

But He did not put Himself under the burdensome rules and regulations, which His people followed. He taught them that the Sabbath was to be man’s friend, not his taskmaster.

In His own observance of the day, He attended the church services and took every opportunity to speak His Father’s words to those who were present. He went on with His ministry of kindness and helpfulness on the Sabbath, just as on other days – healing the sick, casting out demons, delivering those who were in trouble.

If we follow the example of Jesus, the Sabbath will be a blessing to us and not a burden.

Some people find it a day of wearisome–ness. But if they loved Christ in such a real way as to find delight in His company and in His work, the day would prove to be one of pleasure to them.

Its purpose is to prepare us physically, mentally, and spiritually for the life and work of the week–days that follow.

Mornings With God - August 28

Public domain content taken from Morning Thoughts by J.R. Miller.

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