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April 17
to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. — Heb 12:24 BSB
Reader, have you come to the sprinkled blood? The question isn’t whether you’ve come to a knowledge of doctrine, or to religious rituals, or even to certain spiritual experiences, but have you come to the blood of Jesus? The blood of Jesus is the foundation of all true godliness.
If you’ve truly come to Jesus, we know how you came—the Holy Spirit gently led you there. You came to the sprinkled blood with nothing of your own to offer. Guilty, lost, and helpless, you came to take that blood, and that blood alone, as your eternal hope. You came to the cross of Christ with a trembling and aching heart. Oh, how precious the sound of Jesus’ blood was to you! The drops of His blood are like heavenly music to the repentant souls on earth. We are full of sin, but the Savior calls us to lift our eyes to Him. As we look at His flowing wounds, each drop of blood cries out, "It is finished! I have ended sin! I have brought everlasting righteousness." Oh, the sweet message of Jesus’ precious blood!
If you’ve come to that blood once, you’ll keep coming back. Your life will be marked by "Looking unto Jesus." Your entire walk will be summed up in this: "To whom coming." It’s not "to whom I came," but "to whom I continually come." If you’ve ever come to the blood of sprinkling, you’ll feel the need to come to it every day. The person who doesn’t feel the need to wash in it daily has never truly washed in it at all. The believer finds joy and comfort in knowing that the fountain is always open. Past experiences aren’t enough for Christians; only a present coming to Christ can bring joy and peace. This morning, let’s apply the blood to the doorposts of our hearts again and feast on the Lamb, confident that the destroying angel must pass us by.
They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and requested of him, “Sir, we want to see Jesus.” — John 12:21 BSB
The cry of the world is always, "Who will show us any good?" People search for satisfaction in earthly comforts, pleasures, and wealth. But the sinner awakened by God knows there’s only one good. "Oh, that I knew where I might find HIM!" When he truly feels the weight of his guilt, you could lay all the gold of the world before him, and he’d say, "Take it away! I need to find HIM!"
It’s a blessed thing when a person’s desires are all focused on one goal. When someone has many conflicting desires, their heart is like a stagnant swamp, breeding trouble and unrest. But when all desires flow into one channel, the heart becomes like a river of pure water, bringing life and nourishment. Blessed is the one whose single desire is set on Christ, even if that desire hasn’t yet been fully realized. If Jesus is the desire of a soul, it’s a sign that God is at work within. Such a person will never be satisfied with religious rituals alone. They will say, "I want Christ! I must have Him—mere ceremonies won’t help me. I need Jesus Himself; don’t give me an empty pitcher when I’m dying of thirst. I need water, or I die! Jesus is my soul’s desire. I must see Jesus!"
Is this your heart’s condition right now? Do you have one desire, and is it for Christ? If so, you’re not far from the kingdom of heaven. Do you have only one longing in your heart, and is it to be cleansed from all your sins by Jesus’ blood? Can you honestly say, "I’d give everything I have to be a Christian; I’d give up everything I possess and hope for, just to know that I have a saving relationship with Christ"? If this is true for you, then despite your fears, take heart. The Lord loves you, and soon you will step into the light and rejoice in the freedom that Christ gives.