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April 16


but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or spot. — 1 Pet 1:19 BSB

Standing at the foot of the cross, we see hands, feet, and side—all pouring out crimson streams of precious blood.

This blood is precious because of its power to redeem and atone. Through it, the sins of Christ’s people are paid for, they are redeemed from the law, reconciled to God, and made one with Him.

Christ’s blood is also precious in its ability to cleanse. It cleanses from all sin. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow.” Through Jesus’ blood, there’s not a single stain left on any believer. No spot or wrinkle remains. Oh, precious blood that makes us clean, removing the stains of great sin, and allowing us to stand accepted by God, even though we’ve rebelled against Him in many ways.

The blood of Christ is also precious in its power to protect. Under the sprinkled blood, we are safe from destruction. Remember, it’s not our sight of the blood that saves us, but God’s. This gives us comfort, even when our faith is weak, because God’s view of the blood never changes. The blood of Christ is also precious in its power to make us holy. The same blood that justifies us by taking away sin, continues to work in us, bringing new life and helping us follow God’s commands. There is no motivation for holiness greater than the power of Jesus’ blood!

And this blood is unspeakably precious because of its power to overcome. It is written, “They overcame through the blood of the Lamb.” How could they do otherwise? Whoever fights with the power of Jesus’ blood fights with a weapon that cannot fail. The blood of Jesus! Sin dies in its presence, death is no longer death, and heaven’s gates are opened. The blood of Jesus! We will march forward, conquering and overcoming, as long as we trust in its power!


When Moses’ hands grew heavy, they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur held his hands up, one on each side, so that his hands remained steady until the sun went down. — Exod 17:12 BSB

Moses' prayer was so powerful that everything depended on it. His petitions did more to defeat the enemy than Joshua’s fighting. Yet, both were necessary. In the battle of the soul, both effort and fervent prayer, decision and devotion, courage and passion, must work together, and the outcome will be good. You must fight your sin, but most of the real wrestling has to be done in private with God.

Moses grew tired, and his friends helped him. When your prayer life starts to falter, let faith hold up one hand, and let holy hope lift up the other. With prayer resting on the solid foundation of Jesus, our Rock, it will persevere and win.

Beware of growing weary in your prayers; if Moses felt it, so can we. It’s easier to fight sin in public than to pray against it in private. It’s noted that Joshua never got tired in battle, but Moses grew weary in prayer. The more spiritual the task, the harder it is for our human nature to keep up. So, let’s ask for special strength, and may the Spirit of God, who helps us in our weakness, give us the endurance to keep our hands steady "until the sun sets"; until our life's evening passes and we enter the dawn of a better day in the place where prayer is turned into praise!

Morning and Evening - April 16

Public domain content taken from Morning and Evening by Charles H. Spurgeon.

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